Friday 30 January 2015

Vector and Pest Management : Cockroaches.


Cockroaches is member class of Insecta and three-stage life cycle consisting egg, nymph and adult. In addition, harbor in cracks and crevices in and around human habitats, they travel between sources of disease pathogens such as toilet, sewers, garbage and food intended for human consumption. Cockroaches carried Salmonella typhimurium, Entamoeba histolytica and virus for poliomyelitis. they also carry the organisms on their feet, body hairs and mouthparts and their intestines. They eat almost anything such as cereals, bakery products and bookbinding's and they also upon beer, cheese and dead animals. 

Cockroaches vomit partly digested food from their mouth and defecate while feeding, both of which are loaded with microorganisms. They also do not fly but can move by gliding motion and most of cockroaches are active at night, appearing during daylight only if disturbed or very hungry.

  • Cockroaches have been around since the time of dinosaurs.
  • They can live almost a month without food and two weeks without water.
  • Some of female cockroaches only mate once and stay pregnant for life!
  • They also can live for up to one week without head! and hold their breath for up to 40 minutes.
  • Can run up to 3 miles an hour.

Has many type of cockroaches, some of them is American cockroaches, German cockroaches and Oriental cockroaches.

American Cockroaches.
  • The largest of the cockroaches pest species, the body of an adult American cockroaches is 1.5 to 2 inches in length. Color of American cockroaches is reddish brown, with a yellowish band behind the head. 
  • Habitat for American cockroaches is subfloor, basement, in sewers and other warm, dark, moist location. They avoid cold areas but will thrive outdoors in temperatures above 80F. Indoors they often congregate around hot water pipes, fridge motors, boilers and other heating appliances.
  • Rapid breeding cycle, the female life span up to 1.5 years and incubation period of eggs 6 to 8 weeks.
German Cockroaches.
  • Most common found in restaurants, homes and hotels. German cockroaches are "brought in" usually on man's belongings, luggage, boxes or packages.
  • German Cockroaches adult are 1/2 inch- 5/8 inch long, light to medium brown with 2 dark distinctive stripes behind the head and the young are wingless, smaller and much darker color with a light stripe on their backs.
  • will eat anything and will stay close to food and water sources.
  • usually occur in bathrooms and kitchens, they like to hide-out during the day in tight secure places.
  • Daytime haborages areas are usually near a food and moisture source such as inside wall cavities, behind baseboards, crack and etc.
Oriental Cockroaches.
  • Dark brown or black species, less domesticated than most species.
  • They habitats include sewers, damp basement, outbuilding etc. They have strong and repulsive odor.
  • Longest life cycle.

"Never be upset that it didn't work out, be glad that you learned something to make you better for the next time"


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